Why am I doing this...........
What an amazing day we all had at our annual tandem parachute jump on August 3 2024.

We had 12 people who committed to jumping from 15 000 feet from a perfectly good aeroplane. The weather was fantastic and all the brave jumpers said that they had, had a great experience. All our jumpers were handed their t shirts on completion of the jump and a Thank You certificate. We were able to raise over £4000 to support our work in our community. Thank you to all those who sponsored those who jumped and a special thanks to these brave souls. Debbie Brown, Charlotte Lodey, Luke Savage, Ben Turnbull, Leah Johnson, Michael Hird, Anja Thompson, Andre Thwaites, Greg Clarke, Michael Ritchie, Michael Hodgson and Rachel Peart.
Promo Video - HERE Sign up for the 2025 Tandem Skydive.